
Getting started

Read this guide to learn about:

  • Key steps to get started with EVA Check-in for visitor management
  • What else you can do with EVA Check-in
  • Where you can find more info

Five steps to get started with EVA Check-in 

Step one - sign up for a free trial

The free trial sign up process will guide you through the essential steps to get up and running, i.e. creating:

  • Your user account
  • Your first site
  • Choosing visitor types
  • Setting a data retention policy
  • Setting a billing currency
  • Adding your company logo

Step two - review your check-in experience

Once you've completed sign up you'll land in the EVA portal. Try a manual check in to review your visitors' check-in experience:


Step three - customise your check-in experience

Check-in messages

Go to Site information > Options > Check-in tab to make changes to your check-in and check-out messages:


Information collected from visitors

To change the information you collect on check-in, edit the relevant visitor type(s)

  • Make different fields hidden or displayed and required or not
  • Add a custom field
  • Enable 'meeting with' - allowing visitors to select their host

If you need more than the standard check in configuration, custom check-in gives you full flexibility.


Step four - choose your check-in method(s)

EVA Check-in supports multiple check-in methods:

  • QR code poster check-in - visitors scan to check in
  • Kiosk check-in - typically on a tablet device in your reception area
  • Geofence check-in - automatic check in/out via the EVA mobile app
  • Digital pass sign in - reusable check-in pass visitors can store in their Apple Wallet or Google Pay
  • Manual check-in

QR code poster check-in

🎨 Customise your poster: add a logo, colour scheme and title text. Go to the Theme tab on Site information > Options

🖨️ Print your poster: go to Check-in in the the EVA Check-in portal, and select QR/poster for the relevant zone. Then select Print view to preview and print.

Kiosk check-in

Set up EVA to run on an iPad or Android tablet for self-service check-in. The screen also displays a QR code for those that want to scan to check in.

Follow the setup instructions here 

Customise your kiosk interface: Go to the Theme tab on Site information > Options to add or review your logo, change your kiosk colour scheme or add a feature image.


Step five - review configuration


Create new sites via Overview > Sites

You can also create sites via bulk upload of sites.


If you want visitors to check in to different places within a site, eg floors in a building,  or even a meeting room within an office, you can add zones to your site. Go to Check-in in the portal to create a new zone.


Data retention policy

You will have set the visitor data retention period when you signed up. The default is 60 days. To review this, go to Overview > Data policy.

User management

Users can be assigned to all sites within your account or to individual sites. Set them up via Account settings > Users 

They can sign in using a password or Microsoft account - set up on the Sign-in method tab

Users can be granted customer(all sites) or site-specific access


Users must be granted one or more roles appropriate to the tasks they will be undertaking:

  • Customer Administrator - full access to the portal including all of the roles below
  • Receptionist – can view the “who is here” and “visitor count” screens and manage manual check-in/out on behalf of guests
  • Operations – can access “activity log” and “audit logs” reports only
  • Login administrator* – can create/edit users and change passwords
  • Pre-registration - can pre-register visitors and use pre-registration features

*Note: a Login Administrator can only assign roles that they hold. So if you want a Login Admin to be able to add new Receptionists, the Login Admin needs to be assigned the role of Receptionist as well as Login Admin.

What else can you do with EVA Check-in?

Once you have your site(s), users and check-in experience sorted, click though to learn more about these handy features that will take your visitor management, workplace sign in and contractor management to the next level:

Where can I find more information?

To learn more about EVA Check-in:


